Acetone (AC)

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1 Kosar Kg 0.00 USD 0.00 (0%) 0.00 0.00 -

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Acetone (AC) Details

Number of Voters: 0
Acetone (AC)
Last Price: 0.00 USD
  • Product: Acetone (AC)
  • Grade: -
  • Second title: -
  • Unit: Kg
  • Producer: Kumho, Korea
  • Packing: 160Kg/Drum
  • TDS: Download TDS Downloads :810

Acetone also known as Propanone is a colorless, highly volatile and flammable organic solvent with a fruity odor and sweetish taste. Acetone dissolves completely in water and it is also used to dissolve other substances.  Acetone is the smallest and simplest Ketone and it is toxic in high doses.

Acetone occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gases, forest fires, and as a product of the breakdown of body fat. Acetone is present in vehicle exhaust, tobacco smoke, and landfill sites. Industrial processes contribute more Acetone to the environment than natural processes. Acetone may be normally present in very small quantities in urine and blood; larger amounts may be found in the urine and blood of diabetics.

Because of this polarity, Acetone is a suitable solvent for most organic compounds. Acetone dissolves well in water, Ethanol and Ether.

The Cumene Hydroperoxide process is the dominant process used in the commercial production of Acetone. Acetone is also prepared by the dehydrogenation of 2-Propanol (Isopropyl Alcohol).



Acetone is an important commercial chemical that is used as a solvent in consumer products such as in making plastic, fibers, paints and coating, Acrylics, detergents, drugs, Polycarbonates, chemicals, electrical industries, and in industrial processes. Another major use of Acetone is as a starting material to make other chemicals. 

Acetone is used as a solvent on fats, oils, waxes, resins, rubber, plastics, lacquers, varnishes, and rubber cements.

Acetone is used as a reagent in organic synthesis for the manufacturing of coatings, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, such as nail-polish remover. Acetone is used in the preparation of paper coatings, adhesives, and heat-seal coatings.

Acetone is also used to produce Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, Mesityl Oxide, Acetic Acid (Ketene process), Diacetone Alcohol, Bisphenol A, Methyl Methacrylate, explosives, rayon, photographic films, and Isoprene.

Acetone is also used in paint and varnish removers; purifying paraffin; and for hardening and dehydrating tissues, in glassware cleaning, pharmaceutic (solvent) and analyses, including liquid chromatography.



Acetone has been shown to have a low potential for toxicity and does not pose a neurotoxic or reproductive health hazard at normal environmental concentrations. Prolonged skin contact with Acetone can cause drying of the skin, which could result in a burning sensation or cracking. Immediate washing with water (and soap if available) will diminish its effects.

Exposure to high vapor concentrations of Acetone can cause eye irritation and those exposed should flush their eyes with water. Inhalation of high vapor concentrations of Acetone can cause dizziness or nausea and lung damage. If Acetone is ingested and then vomited, it can enter the lungs and cause lung damage.



Keep Acetone only in the original container in a dry and cool, well-ventilated place away from heat, ignition and sparks sources, Direct sunlight, incompatible materials. Keep Acetone away from oxidizing agents, reducing agents, strong Acids, strong Bases, Halogens, Amines. Storage temperature of Acetone must be 15 - 20 °C. Keep container closed when not in use.


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