Triple Pressed Stearic Acid KLKB1802

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Triple Pressed Stearic Acid KLKB1802 Details

Number of Voters: 0
Triple Pressed Stearic Acid KLKB1802 B1802
Last Price: 0.00 USD
  • Product: Triple Pressed Stearic Acid KLKB1802
  • Grade: B1802
  • Second title: -
  • Unit: Kg
  • Producer: KLK, Malaysia
  • Packing: 25Kg/Bag
  • TDS: Download TDS Downloads :595

Stearic Acid also known as Octadecanoic Acid is a colorless waxy solid or white-to yellow powder or crystals. Stearic acid is non-toxic, with a mild odor. Stearic Acid is practically insoluble in water, soluble in Ethanol (96 percent) and in light petroleum.

Stearic Acid is one of the most common long-chain fatty acids, found in both natural animal and vegetable fats. Stearic Acid is obtained from fats and oils by the saponification of the Triglycerides using hot water (about 100 °C). The resulting mixture is then distilled. Commercial Stearic Acid is often a mixture of Stearic and Palmitic Acids.


Technical Specification:

Typical Color Lovibond (5¼” cell): Red 2.0 max - Yellow 20.0 max

Acid Value: 207-214

Saponification Value: 208-215

Iodine Value: 8.0 max

Titer (°C): 52 min




Stearic Acid is an important commercial chemical. Stearic Acid is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, soaps, phonograph records, insulators, candles, food packaging and in making other chemicals. Stearic Acid is an ingredient in some pesticides.


In Plastics industry Stearic Acid is widely used in PVC plastic pipe, sheet, profiles, film manufacturing as a plasticizer, stabilizer and lubricant. In Rubber industry Stearic Acid can be used as a lubricant, release agent and dispersing agent to improve the processing of rubber.


In Cosmetic industry Stearic Acid is widely used in cream and cold cream for skin care products. Stearic Acid is one of the ingredients which can be used in candles. Candle inside to increase Stearic Acid and can increase the hardness and whiteness. It has no black smoke when it is burning.


In the Textile industry Stearic Acid can be used in textile industry as a lubricant and manufacture of yarn mercerized cream softener. Stearic Acid can also be used for the manufacture of mold release agents, polishing paste, defoamers, metal flotation agent, paint plain agent, wax polishing agent, waterproof textile products etc. Stearic Acid can also be used in ink production.


Handling and Storage:

Handle Stearic acid in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety procedures. Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water.

Store Stearic acid in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep container of Stearic acid closed when not in use. Store Stearic acid at room temperature and keep it away from heat, direct sunlight and strong oxidizers.

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