Perchloroethylene (PCE)

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Perchloroethylene (PCE) Details

Number of Voters: 0
Perchloroethylene (PCE)
Last Price: 0.00 USD
  • Product: Perchloroethylene (PCE)
  • Grade: -
  • Second title: -
  • Unit: Kg
  • Producer: Solvay, France
  • Packing: 330Kg/Drum
  • TDS: Download TDS Downloads :944

Perchloroethylene (PCE or PERC), also known as Tetrachloroethylene, is a colorless, stable and nonflammable liquid solvent with a sweet, ether-like odor. Perchloroethylene is a highly volatile organic solvent which is primarily used in industrial settings and also for dry-cleaning fabrics, chemical intermediate and degreasing metals.

PCE has no measurable flashpoint or flammable limits in air. Perchloroethylene is miscible with most organic solvents but only slightly miscible in water.



Perchloroethylene is a solvent commonly used in dry cleaning operations. When applied to a material or fabric, PCE helps dissolve greases, oils and waxes without damaging the fabric.

In metal manufacturing, solvents containing Perchloroethylene clean and degrease new metal to help prevent impurities from weakening the metal. Many industries, including aerospace, appliance and automotive manufacturers, use PCE for vapor-degreasing of metal parts during various production stages. Perchloroethylene’s high boiling point and long cleaning cycle enable waxes with high melting points to be removed. 

Due to its durability and ability to adhere to plastics, metal, rubber and leather, Perchloroethylene has been used as an ingredient in a range of common products such as water repellants, paint removers, printing inks, glues, sealants, polishes and lubricants.

Perchloroethylene is present in very tiny amounts in the environment as a result of industrial releases. Dry cleaned clothes may release small amounts of PCE into the air.



Breathing high levels of Perchloroethylene for a short time can cause dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea and vomiting, irritation of eyes and respiratory tract. Skin contact with Perchloroethylene can cause irritation and redness.

People who live or work near dry cleaning facilities may be exposed to higher levels of Perchloroethylene than the general population. The highest exposures to Perchloroethylene tend to occur in the workplace, especially among dry cleaning workers or workers at metal degreasing facilities. Exposure to these higher levels of Perchloroethylene can lead to irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, throat and/or respiratory system. Long-term exposure to Perchloroethylene can cause cancer.



PCE is normally stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area. Keep Perchloroethylene away from heat, direct sunlight, ignition sources and oxidizing agents. Solvents such as Perchloroethylene should be stored in drummed containers such as iso-tanks made of Stainless Steel, Aluminum or Carbon Steel.


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