Carbon Black 2410

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Carbon Black 2410 Details

Number of Voters: 0
Carbon Black 2410 2410
Last Price: 0.00 USD
  • Product: Carbon Black 2410
  • Grade: 2410
  • Second title: -
  • Unit: Kg
  • Producer: China
  • Packing: 10 Kg/bag
  • TDS: Download TDS Downloads :718

Carbon Black 2410G, any of a group of intensely black, finely divided forms of amorphous Carbon, usually obtained as soot from partial combustion of Hydrocarbons. Carbon Black is produced by incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition of gaseous or liquid Hydrocarbons under controlled conditions.



Carbon Black used principally as reinforcing agents in automobile tires and other rubber products but also as extremely black pigments of high hiding power in mass-tone coloring, printing ink, packaging printing ink, paint, Carbon paper, black coloring pigment of newspaper and magazine gravure ink.

Carbon Black 2410G is also used in protective coatings, plastics, synthetic fibers and resistors for electronic circuits. As a reinforcing filler it greatly increases resistance to wear and abrasion.

About one fourth of the weight of a standard automobile tire is Carbon Black. For tires on vehicles on which it is necessary to avoid building up an electrostatic charge, such as oil trucks and hospital operating carts, even more Carbon Black is added to make the rubber electrically conducting.

Carbon Black 2410G particles are usually spherical in shape and less regularly crystalline than graphite. Carbon Black changes into graphite if heated at 3,000° C (5,400° F) for a prolonged period. Carbon Blacks vary widely in particle size depending on the process by which they are made.

Two types of Carbon Black are commonly used by the rubber industry for reinforcing rubber. The first is the so-called hard Carbon Black which imparts high wear resistance to rubber into which it has been compounded. Hard Carbon Black is generally used to make vehicular tire treads.

Another type of Carbon Black, which imparts a different set of properties to rubber, is a so-called "soft" Carbon Black. Soft Carbon Blacks are generally used to reinforce rubber where a great deal of flexing is expected to be encountered, such as in tire carcasses.

A soft Carbon Black as compared to a hard carbon black is one which, when mixed in a conventional rubber compound and the compound vulcanized, yields a product which is soft, more resilient, rubbery and yet tough; whereas a hard Carbon Black in the same compound imparts stiffer, tougher characteristics with low resilience.


Carbon Black 2410G should be stored in a clean, dry, uncontaminated area away from exposure to high temperatures, open flame sources, strongly aromatic chemicals and strong oxidizers (e.g., Chlorates, Bromates, And Nitrates). Since Carbon Black will adsorb moisture and chemical vapors, it should be stored in closed containers.

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